User Manual

Version 3.1 SP4
Documentation Version 3.1 SP4


Welcome to SimpleMail from Adiscon GmbH.

This ActiveX control empowers your applications as well as your ASP pages to send Internet mail messages. It also supports enhanced features like attachments, MIME and HTML mail. It offers high performance, ease of use and a very competitive low price. SimpleMail was created for our own internal use and is used intensive inside our own ASP applications. It was developed based on real world need and we hope, you'll find it useful as well.

This documentation covers the version 3.1. Any comments are appreciated at  For technical support, please contact

Product updates as well as important announcements can be found at (if that URL ever changes, please try


SimpleMail is a high performing tool using only minimal system resources. It also doesn’t require an extended installation process.

System Requirements

SimpleMail is developed under Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000. Although not extensively tested under Windows 95, 98 or Millenium Edition, we do not see any reason why it shouldn’t perform well in this environment. Under Windows NT 4 service pack 4 is required for the setup program. We also conducted successful tests under Windows XP beta 2.

The freely downloadable version is available for Intel X86 platforms only. Versions for the DEC Alpha platform are available to registered users free of charge. Please allow up to 4 days for delivery of the ALPHA version. Due to low demand, we have stopped compiling the ALPHA builds without request. So we will create a version as soon as the first customer asks for it. This is why we need a slight delay. Version 1.6 is instantly available for ALPHA and will be sent prior to the current version.

The Installation Process

Actual installation is very straightforward

  1. download the install set
  2. run it on your machine
  3. follow the on-screen instructions (we use a standard windows setup script)

After finishing this simple steps, SimpleMail is set up and ready to run.

If you have downloaded a ZIP file, be sure to unzip the install set using a Win32 version of PKUNZIP or WinZip (available at or The install set contains files with long names. If you use a non-Win32 version, this names will be lost and installation will fail. Also be sure not to move the .dll to any other directory. This will cause the ActiveX control to fail. If you need to change directories, uninstall SimpleMail first and re-install it from the new directory.


This is also very straightforward. Just go to control panel and remove the SimpleMail product.


SimpleMail needs no further customization - it can be used right after installation. SimpleMail is a standard ActiveX control. It can be called from any ActiveX compatible container application, most notable the IIS' ASP processor as well as Visual Basic (VB).

Use it as follows:

  1. Instantiate the control (e. g. with CreateObject)
  2. fill in the correct property values
  3. call the SendEx method 
  4. you can re-specify properties and call the sent method as often as you want without re-instantiating the control.
  5. be sure to destroy the control as soon as you are done (not required by SimpleMail but generally good programming practice).


Property Used for
MailServer The Address of a SMTP-Server the mail is send to. This server must forward the mail to its final destination. With IIS 4.0, this might be the Server IIS is running on. If in doubt, ask your system administrator.

You can use either an IP-Address (e. g. or a systemname (e. g. For performance reasons, we recommend using IP-Addresses. This property defaults to

Sender The sender's email address.
SenderName Available since 1.6.
This is the display name of the sender. This property is optional. If it is not set, the sender's email address is used as display name, too.
Recipient The recipient's email address.
RecipientName Available since 1.6.
This is the display name of the recipient. This property is optional. If it is not set, the recipient's email address is used as display name, too.
CCRecipient Available since 2.0
This is the email address of an CC recipient. This is optional. If not specified, no CC will be generated. Please note that SimpleMail does support a single CC recipient only.
CCRecipientName Available since 2.0.
This is the display name of the CC recipient. This property is optional. If it is not set, the CC recipient's email address is used as display name, too.
For more info please see CCRecipient.
Subject The email's subject line. We recommend limiting it to about 50 characters.
MessageText The actual mail message. Line breaks can be embedded with CR/LF pairs inside the message text. Please note that SimpleMail does in no way modify the message text. Be sure to use 7 bit characters only (as this is the original SMTP standard).

There is no limit on the message size. For practical reasons, however, we recommend limiting the size to 5 to 10 KB. Nevertheless, you can send any size message if you like.

MessageHTMLText Available since 3.0.

The message text in HTML format. It can be totally independent from MessageText, even specify a totally different text.

Important: the MessageHTMLText is only available in processing mode 2 (MIME).

LastStatus Available only with version 1.4 and above. Contains the last SMTP status code of a SendEx() operation. It might also report -1, in which case the SMTP server could not be contacted (all SMTP codes are positive).
LastStatusMessage Available only with version 2.01 and above. Contains the last status message of a SendEx() operation. This read-only property is taken from the SMTP server's response and can be expected to point to the exact cause if a problem occurs.
Port Available since 1.6.

This parameter allows to specify the IP port to be used to contact the SMTP server. It is optional. If it is not given, standard port 25 is used. This property has been added for installations which require the use of non-standard ports, e.g. for firewall setup.

ProcessingMode Available since 2.1

This property sets the processing mode for SimpleMail. The processing mode specifies how SimpleMail has to handle the value of property "MessageText" when sending the mail. Specifically, it will dictate which encoding is to apply to this value. Currently the following ProcessingModes are supported:

  • 0 - No Encoding
  • 1 - Encode some special 8 Bit characters, otherwise the message body is plain text (RFC 822 format)
  • 2 - MIME format (default)

Please note that the ProcessingMode has great significance to both the appearance of the message text at the recipient (it will appear invalid if not encoded properly) as well as SimpleMail's performance. If you would like to send bulk mail (e. g. a customer newsletter), by far the fastest mode is 0 (no encoding). This mode is always usable if only US-ASCII text is send. In SimpleMail versions prior to 3.0, this was the default mode. 

With 3.0, full MIME capabilities have been introduced. MIME is by far the most flexible standard supporting HTML mail as well as file attachments. So MIME has become the default processing mode for versions 3.0 and up.

If you are sending out textual mail to a large number of subscribers, we still recommend processing mode 0. If used properly, it can operate considerable faster than MIME mode.

CustomHeaders Available since 2.1.

Additional SMTP headers can be specified using this property. If multiple headers are to be added, each header needs to be followed by a CRLF (as described in RFC 821/822). The final CRLF is added by the system itself.

Please note: this property is for advanced users only. If you do not exactly know about STMP headers and the SMTP RFCs, please do not use this property. Improper use can lead to fatal errors. There is no error checking on this property's values.

BCCRecipient Available since 2.1.

EMail Address of the BCC recipient (a single recipient can be specified). There is no matching BCCRecipientName property as BCC recipients are never displayed.

LineLength Available since 2.11

This property specifies the maximum length of a line in processing mode 1. Lines longer that LineLength will be broken by an CRLF pair (new line). The default is 70 characters.


UseAuthentication Available since 3.1

The default is 0 (No Authentication).
If set to 1, SMTP Authentication will be used. You will then have to set the Username and Password property. Check the LastStatusMessage Property for error messages (Maybe access denied).
Username Available since 3.1

Specifies the  Username which will be used for SMTP Authentication.

Important, the Username must not exceed 128 characters. 

Password Available since 3.1

Specifies the  Password which will be used for SMTP Authentication.

Important, the Password must not exceed 128 characters. 


AttachFile(LocalFileName, FileDisplayName)

This method attaches the local file name "LocalFileName" to the email to be send. Inside the mail, it will be named "FileDisplayName". The later one should not include a path name.

AttachFile can be called multiple times. Every time it is called, a new file is attached. So if you'd like to attach multiple files, simply call AttachFile for each file.

The attached file information is stored as long as the control is kept active (instantiated). Once a file has been attached, it will be send with each successive Send() or SendEx() call. Use ResetAttachments() to destroy the attachment information.

The default Content-type that will internally be used is always "application/octet-stream" for this function.

Important: File attachments are only supported in processing mode 2 (MIME). They are simply ignored in modes 0 and 1.

AttachFileWithContentType(LocalFileName, FileDisplayName, ContentType)

This method is almost similar to AttachFile(), expect that you can additionally specify the ContentType for the Attachment. Be careful to choose the correct ContentType, an invalid or empty one can cause problems with the emailclient reading emails from SimpleMail.

Below is a short list of known and possible Content-Types:

Description of Data Content
Typical Filename Extensions
MIME type/subtype
Text and Text-Related Types    
HTML text data (RFC 1866) html htm text/html
Plain text: documents; program listings txt c c++ pl cc h text/plain
Richtext (obsolete - replaced by text/enriched)   text/richtext
Structure enhanced text (etx?) text/x-setext
Enriched text markup (RFC 1896)   text/enriched
Tab-separated values (tabular) (tsv?) text/tab-separated-values
SGML documents (RFC 1874)   text/sgml
Speech synthesis data (MVP Solutions) talk text/x-speech
Document Stylesheet Types    
Cascading Stylesheets css text/css
DSSSL-online stylesheets   application/dsssl (proposed)
Image Types    
GIF gif image/gif
X-Windows bitmap (b/w) xbm image/x-xbitmap
X-Windows pixelmap (8-bit color) xpm image/x-xpixmap
Portable Network Graphics png image/x-png
Image Exchange Format (RFC 1314) ief image/ief
JPEG jpeg jpg jpe image/jpeg
TIFF tiff tif image/tiff
RGB rgb image/rgb
Group III Fax (RFC 1494) g3f image/g3fax
X Windowdump format xwd image/x-xwindowdump
Macintosh PICT format pict image/x-pict
PPM (UNIX PPM package) ppm image/x-portable-pixmap
PGM (UNIX PPM package) pgm image/x-portable-graymap
PBM (UNIX PPM package) pbm image/x-portable-bitmap
PNM (UNIX PPM package) pnm image/x-portable-anymap
Microsoft Windows bitmap bmp image/x-ms-bmp
CMU raster ras image/x-cmu-raster
Kodak Photo-CD pcd image/x-photo-cd
Computer Graphics Metafile cgm image/cgm
North Am. Presentation Layer Protocol   image/naplps
CALS Type 1 or 2 mil cal image/x-cals
Fractal Image Format (Iterated Systems) fif image/fif
QuickSilver active image (Micrografx) dsf image/x-mgx-dsf
CMX vector image (Corel) cmx image/x-cmx
Wavelet-compressed (Summus) wi image/wavelet
AutoCad Drawing (SoftSource) dwg image/vnd.dwg
AutoCad DXF file (SoftSource) dxf image/vnd.dxf
Simple Vector Format (SoftSource) svf image/vnd.svf
    also vector/x-svf
Audio/Voice/Music Related Types    
"basic"audio - 8-bit u-law PCM au snd audio/basic
Macintosh audio format (AIpple) aif aiff aifc audio/x-aiff
Microsoft audio wav audio/x-wav
MPEG audio mpa abs mpega audio/x-mpeg
MPEG-2 audio mp2a mpa2 audio/x-mpeg-2
compressed speech (Echo Speech Corp.) es audio/echospeech
Toolvox speech audio (Voxware) vox audio/voxware
RapidTransit compressed audio (Fast Man) lcc application/fastman
Realaudio (Progressive Networks) ra ram application/x-pn-realaudio
NIFF music notation data format   application/
MIDI music data mmid x-music/x-midi
Koan music data (SSeyo) skp application/vnd.koan
Speech synthesis data (MVP Solutions) talk text/x-speech
Video Types    
MPEG video mpeg mpg mpe video/mpeg
MPEG-2 video mpv2 mp2v video/mpeg-2
Macintosh Quicktime qt mov video/quicktime
Microsoft video avi video/x-msvideo
SGI Movie format movie video/x-sgi-movie
VDOlive streaming video (VDOnet) vdo video/vdo
Vivo streaming video (Vivo software) viv video/
Special HTTP/Web Application Types    
Proxy autoconfiguration (Netscape browsers) pac application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig
See Chapter 6   application/x-www-form-urlencoded
See Chapter 9   application/x-www-local-exec
See Chapter 9 (Netscape extension)   multipart/x-mixed-replace
See Chapter 9 and Appendix B   multipart/form-data
Netscape Cooltalk chat data (Netscape) ice x-conference/x-cooltalk
Interactive chat (Ichat)   application/x-chat
Application Types    
PostScript ai eps ps application/postscript
Microsoft Rich Text Format rtf application/rtf
Adobe Acrobat PDF pdf application/pdf
Maker Interchange Format (FrameMaker) mif application/vnd.mif
Troff document t tr roff application/x-troff
Troff document with MAN macros man application/x-troff-man
Troff document with ME macros me application/x-troff-me
Troff document with MS macros ms application/x-troff-ms
LaTeX document latex application/x-latex
Tex/LateX document tex application/x-tex
GNU TexInfo document texinfo texi application/x-texinfo
TeX dvi format dvi application/x-dvi
MacWrite document ?? application/macwriteii
MS word document ?? application/msword
WordPerfect 5.1 document ?? application/wordperfect5.1
SGML application (RFC 1874)   application/sgml
Office Document Architecture oda application/oda
Envoy Document evy application/envoy
Wang Info. Tranfer Format (Wang)   application/wita
DEC Document Transfer Format (DEC)   application/dec-dx
IBM Document Content Architecture (IBM)   application/dca-rft
CommonGround Digital Paper (No Hands Software)   application/commonground
FrameMaker Documents (Frame) doc fm frm frame application/vnd.framemaker
Remote printing at arbitrary printers (RFC 1486)   application/remote-printing
Archive/Compressed Archives    
Gnu tar format gtar application/x-gtar
4.3BSD tar format tar application/x-tar
POSIX tar format ustar application/x-ustar
Old CPIO format bcpio application/x-bcpio
POSIX CPIO format cpio application/x-cpio
UNIX sh shell archive shar application/x-shar
DOS/PC - Pkzipped archive zip application/zip
Macintosh Binhexed archive hqx application/mac-binhex40
Macintosh Stuffit Archive sit sea application/x-stuffit
Fractal Image Format fif application/fractals
Binary, UUencoded bin uu application/octet-stream
PC executable exe application/octet-stream
WAIS "sources" src wsrc application/x-wais-source
NCSA HDF data format hdf application/hdf
Downloadable Program/Scripts    
Javascript program js ls mocha text/javascript
VBScript program   text/vbscript
UNIX bourne shell program sh application/x-sh
UNIX c-shell program csh application/x-csh
Perl program pl application/x-perl
Tcl (Tool Control Language) program tcl application/x-tcl
Atomicmail program scripts (obsolete)   application/atomicmail
Slate documents - executable enclosures (BBN)   application/slate
Undefined binary data (often executable progs)   application/octet-stream
RISC OS Executable programs (ANT Limited)   application/riscos
Andrew Toolkit inset   application/andrew-inset
FutureSplash vector animation (FutureWave) spl application/futuresplash
mBED multimedia data (mBED) mbd application/mbedlet
Macromedia Shockwave (Macromedia)   application/x-director
Sizzler real-time video/animation   application/x-sprite
PowerMedia multimedia (RadMedia) rad application/x-rad-powermedia
PowerPoint presentation (Microsoft) ppz application/mspowerpoint
PointPlus presentation data (Net Scene) css application/x-pointplus
ASAP WordPower (Software Publishing Corp.) asp application/x-asap
Astound Web Player multimedia data (GoldDisk) asn application/astound
Special Embedded Object    
OLE script e.g. Visual Basic (Ncompass) axs application/x-olescript
OLE Object (Microsoft/NCompass) ods application/x-oleobject
OpenScape OLE/OCX objects (Business@Web) opp x-form/x-openscape
Visual Basic objects (Amara) wba application/x-webbasic
Specialized data entry forms (Alpha Software) frm application/x-alpha-form
client-server objects (Wayfarer Communications) wfx x-script/x-wfxclient
General Applications    
Undefined binary data (often executable progs)   application/octet-stream
CALS (U.S. D.O.D data format - RFC 1895)   application/cals-1840
Pointcast news data (Pointcast) pcn application/x-pcn
Excel spreadsheet (Microsoft)   application/
PowerPoint (Microsoft) ppt application/
Microsoft Project (Microsoft)   application/
Works data (Microsoft)   application/
MAPI data (Microsoft)   application/
Artgallery data (Microsoft)   application/vnd.artgalry
SourceView document (Dataware Electronics) svd application/vnd.svd
Truedoc (Bitstream)   application/vnd.truedoc
Net Install - software install (20/20 Software) ins application/x-net-install
Carbon Copy - remote control/access (Microcom) ccv application/ccv
Spreadsheets (Visual Components) vts workbook/formulaone
Cybercash digital money (Cybercash)   application/cybercash
Format for sending generic Macintosh files   application/applefile
Active message -- connect to active mail app.   application/activemessage
X.400 mail message body part (RFC 1494)   application/x400-bp
USENET news message id (RFC 1036)   application/news-message-id
USENET news message (RFC 1036)   application/news-transmission
Multipart Types (mostly email)    
Messages with multiple parts   multipart/mixed
Messages with multiple, alternative parts   multipart/alternative
Message with multiple, related parts   multipart/related
Multiple parts are digests   multipart/digest
For reporting of email status (admin.)   multipart/report
Order of parts does not matter   multipart/parallel
Macintosh file data   multipart/appledouble
Aggregate messages; descriptor as header   multipart/header-set
Container for voice-mail   multipart/voice-message
HTML FORM data (see Ch. 9 and App. B)   multipart/form-data
Infinite multiparts - See Chapter 9 (Netscape)   multipart/x-mixed-replace
Message Types (mostly email)    
MIME message   message/rfc822
Partial message   message/partial
Message containing external references   message/external-body
Message containing USENET news   message/news
HTTP message   message/http
2D/3D Data/Virtual Reality Types    
VRML data file wrl vrml x-world/x-vrml

(changing to model/vrml)

WIRL - VRML data (VREAM) vrw x-world/x-vream
Play3D 3d scene data (Play3D) p3d application/x-p3d
Viscape Interactive 3d world data (Superscape) svr x-world/x-svr
WebActive 3d data (Plastic Thought) wvr x-world/x-wvr
QuickDraw3D scene data (Apple) 3dmf x-world/x-3dmf
Scientific/Math/CAD Types    
Chemical types -- to communicate information about chemical models   chemical/* (several subtypes)
Mathematica notebook ma application/mathematica
Computational meshes for numerical simulations msh x-model/x-mesh

(evolving to model/mesh)

Vis5D 5-dimensional data v5d application/vis5d
IGES models -- CAD/CAM (CGM) data igs application/iges

(evolving to model/iges?)

Autocad WHIP vector drawings dwf drawing/x-dwf

Largely Platform-Specific Types
Showcase Presentations showcase slides sc sho show application/x-showcase
Insight Manual pages ins insight application/x-insight
Iris Annotator data ano application/x-annotator
Directory Viewer dir application/x-dirview
Software License lic application/x-enterlicense
Fax manager file faxmgr application/x-fax-manager
Fax job data file faxmgrjob application/x-fax-manager-job
IconBook data icnbk application/x-iconbook
? wb application/x-inpview
Installable software in 'inst' format inst application/x-install
Mail folder mail application/x-mailfolder
? pp ppages application/x-ppages
Data for printer (via lpr) sgi-lpr application/x-sgi-lpr
Software in 'tardist' format tardist application/x-tardist
Software in compressed 'tardist' format ztardist application/x-ztardist
WingZ spreadsheet wkz application/x-wingz
Open Inventor 3-D scenes iv graphics/x-inventor

Important: File attachments are only supported in processing mode 2 (MIME). They are simply ignored in modes 1 and 2.


This method removes all attachments associated with the email.


This is the only method for all versions up to 1.3. All properties must be set before calling the send-method. Once the method is invoked, it sends the mail message according to the given parameters. There is no feedback about the outcome of the operation.


Same as Send(), except that it returns either 0 (OK) or -1 (error occurred). If an error occurred, the read-only property LastStatus contains the SMTP error code.

The SendEx() method is only available with version 1.4 and above.

ASP Sample

This is a simple basic page with hardcoded parameters.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 
<title>ASP Sample Mailer</title>
<p>We are sending mail according to your hardcoded parameters.
set o = Server.CreateObject("ADISCON.SimpleMail.1") ' create mailer!

o.MailServer = ""
o.Sender = ""
o.Recipient = "SomeOne@SomeCompany.Com"
o.Subject = "My first SimpleMail mail"
o.MessageText = "Line 1" + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "Line 2"
' of course, this could also be somethig like this:
' o.MessageText = Request("strMessage")

call o.Send

set o = Nothing

VB Sample

The following sample is a snippet of VB code. It does all its work with constants. Of course. you can substitute variables for any of this constants.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim o As Object

MousePointer = 11

Set o = CreateObject("ADISCON.SimpleMail.1")
o.MailServer = ""  ' Address of SMTP-Server
o.Sender = ""
o.Recipient = "SomeOne@SomeCompany.Com"
o.Subject = "My first SimpleMail mail"
o.MessageText = "Line 1" + vbCrLf + "Line 2"
Call o.send

Set o = Nothing    ' de-instanciate control

MousePointer = 0
End Sub

Common SMTP Status Codes

This chapter lists common SMTP status codes as seen in the "LastStatus" property. These are derived from RFC821.

The exact status codes themselves depend on the mail server talking to. As a general rule, a status beginning with 2 means the operation succeeded, while a status beginning with 5 means it failed. More complete information can be found in RFC821.

We encourage users to act on the "LastStatus" property only if the actual codes are well know. For error reporting, please use the "LastStatusMessage" property. This read-only property holds the status code as well as a descriptive message. That message was generated by the SMTP server and as such can be assumed to point to the exact cause of the problem.


Product support is available via our private internet newsserver at news:// Email support is available via There is also a FAQ and some helpful information at

We strongly encourage our users to use the newsserver. 

Version History

This short history shall provide you with some background information about the versions available. The file "whatsnew.txt" from the install set does also include version information (a bit more verbose for some versions).


This is the initial release.

1.1 to 1.3

This were private builds not available to the public.


Released November, 14th 1998.

  • new method SendEx()
  • new property LastStatus
  • now writes a date header
  • fixed some bugs:
  • fixed a bug causing disconnect to fail
  • HELO string now reports correct server
  • some minor optimizations


Released May, 2nd 1999.

  • fixed some minor problems
  • changed date reporting to use 4 digit dates


Released November, 14th 1999.

This product has been delivered to some customers since September, 16th 1999.

  • fixed a bug which caused IP sockets to remain open after sending mail. This caused a resource leak in high volume environments.
  • SimpleMail now allows easy integration into VB setup wizard
  • added 3 new properties: Port, RecipientName, SenderName


Released December, 16th 1999.

  • fixed a bug that could cause page faults when using the "senderName" property (rare case)
  • added functionality: single CC recipient / name possible


Released December, 18th 1999.

  • fixed a bug that caused invalid SMTP error codes to be reported
  • added read-only property "LastStatusMessage" --> holds complete error message in case SMTP error occurs

2.02 (Build 107)

Released January, 15th 2000

  • fixed a bug that caused an invalid date/time header to be written if we were in minute 0 to 9 of each hour (e. g. "9:03 am" was written as "9: 3" - notice the space after the colon).  
  • fixed file version information
    This was visible if right-clicking SimpleMail.dll in Windows Explorer and then selecting properties. The Version tab specified version 1.6. This was incorrect, the actual version was 2.0/2.01 (as specified in the X-Mailer header). However, it was confusing. The version reported in the version property is now correct. Please note the the 4th number indicates the build ID (107 in this case).

2.1 (Build 108)

Released February, 17th 2000.

  • first version supporting the "ProcessingMode" property (for details please see property documentation)
  • new property "CustomHeaders" added
  • new property "BCCRecipient" added

2.11 (Build 109)

Released March, 19th 2000.

  • new property "LineLength" added

2.2 (Build 110)

Released June, 22nd 2000.

  • fixed a bug that caused very large strings (e.g. URLs) to be truncated in processing modes other than 0 when the string length was larger than the maximum line length.

2.3 (Build 111)

This was a private bug-fixing build issued upon request.

  • fixed a bug that caused connections to some mail-servers to stall. This was the case of the mail server sent a multi-line hello message. 

2.4 (Build 112)

Released November, 2nd 2000.

  • this build contains all 2.3 enhancements
  • Date format changed. The date is now formatted in local time. Previous versions used UTC. That was perfectly according to the SMTP RFC, however, some mail services (like Yahoo) did not correctly convert the date stamp to local time. So we are now using the senders local time to create a more consistent user experience.

2.5 (Build 113)

Released November, 20th 2000.

  • Added a client configuration program to allow easy configuration of the default parameters
  • Client configuration programs with quick-test screen to check SimpleMail and Mailserver setup.
  • SimpleMail can now read default parameters (like the Mailserver) from the registry - thus there is no need to code these values into the actual script.
  • Fixed a problem that could cause SimpleMail to abort when the connect  to the SMTP server failed.
  • Support for Remote Data Service (RDS) added
  • Greatly enhanced setup program
  • Adiscon SimpleMail is now being licensed via a license name/license key pair - so the actual product is the same for both the trial version as well as the fully registered one. 

2.6 (Build 114)

Released 2001-04-27.

  • fixed a bug that could case the email time stamp to become corrupted
  • added the errors-to header
  • enhanced setup via Windows installer and install shield

3.0 (Build 115) Beta 1

Released 2001-05-25.

  • support for MIME added
  • support for HTML mail added
  • support for file attachments added
  • corrected a few minor bugs

3.0 (Build 116) Final

Released 2001-06-01.

  • fixed a bug that occurred if a mail server refuses the connection immediately after connecting. 

3.1 (Build 119) Final

Released 2002-05-16.

  • Added support for SMTP Authentication (Method AUTH Login is supported). We decided to add this feature by customer requests and because many ISP's require authentication.    

3.1 SP1 (Build 120) Final

Released 2003-02-21.

  • Fixed minor bugs which occurred if some Properties were not initialized correctly. 

3.1 SP2 (Build 121) Final

Released 2003-07-16.

  • Fixed a bug in the MIME Handling. When the Messagetext or MessageHTMLText property was set to an empty string, the send email contained mime part for it. That caused various Mailclients to display an empty email.

3.1 SP3 (Build 122) Final

Released 2004-01-06.

  • Fixed memory leaks when using SMTP authentication. On a system (IIS WebServer) with a high load, this could cause a high memory usage of dllhost.exe.

3.1 SP4 (Build 125) Final

Released 2005-01-20.

  • Added a new Method called "AttachFileWithContentType". Using this method, you can add attachments and customize the content-type. See the manual for more details and a list of possible content-types.


How to obtain Updates

Please visit our web site for information about new and updated products. Registered users will receive notification of new versions via email.


SimpleMail is distributed as Shareware. You are free to use the product for evaluation. However, if you feel comfortable with it and plan to use it for an extended period of time, you must register with Adiscon and pay the license fee.

Please support further development by registering the product. There is a license fee per Windows system (CPU) SimpleMail is running on. For orders outside of the European community, the fee is $US 39 (plus tax if applicable). European community  orders are EUR 57 incl. 16% VAT. European Community residents with VAT identification number should state this number in order to get an tax exemption. If not stated, full VAT will be charged.

You need a separate license for each system (CPU) SimpleMail is running on. If you intend to use SimpleMail on 5 systems, you need to purchase 5 licenses.

BBS sysops feel free to include the distribution set of this product in your library. Please be sure to include the full set (program & this documentation). Any questions can be directed to

SimpleMail is not licensed for sending mass unsolicited email (know as spam). Using SimpleMail for this purpose constitutes a license violation. In this case, we reserve the right to charge US$ 1,000,000 (one million) in damages.

Are there any restrictions in the unregistered version?

There are no functional restrictions. However, the product indicates its unregistered status inside the X-Mailer mail header field. This is invisible to normal users (you need to explicitly look up the mail headers inside your mail program). The unregistered release does also include a registration reminder at the end of the message body. This is in plain text and as such readable by the recipient. The evaluation period is limited to 30 days after which SimpleMail will stop processing mails.

How to register

Registration is as simple as 1-2-3:

  1. Print out the following registration form
  2. Please fill it in. Remember to include number of licenses requested and payment information as well as your email id.
  3. Mail or fax the registration form to Adiscon.

or - even easier:

  1. Visit our secure online order facility at

We accept cash (bills please – and: no faxed ones, please ;-) ) and major credit cards. We also accept payment by check if - and only if - the following criteria is met:

If you are paying in US$, your check must be drawn on an US American bank and made payable to "Rainer Gerhards" (very important, do not make payable to Adiscon GmbH!).

If you are paying in DM, your check must be drawn on a German bank and made payable to "Adiscon GmbH". Please note that the check must be drawn on a German bank. Even if you reside inside a member state of the European Community, you can not use "Euro Cheque" (EC) made payable in DM.

We apologize for the restrictions in our check acceptance policy. We were forced to introduce these by banking regulations and fees (one quick example: our bank charge DEM 20,-- for any EC check payable in DEM - this is quite a good share for a DEM 39,95 product!).

If you need an additional payment options, please contact us at or the below given addresses. Please note that – for your security – we generally do not accept email registrations. We strongly encourage you never to transmit your credit card information in clear text over the Internet.

Direct your registrations to:

Adiscon GmbH
Franz-Marc Strasse 144
50374 Erftstadt

Fax: +49-9349-928820

Please note: due to German laws, credit card orders will be processed in German Mark (DEM). We convert US$ orders based on the current exchange rate. However, there might be a small difference to the actual price when you get your credit card bill. We are sorry for this inconvenience.

Registration/Order Form

SimpleMail Registration



ZIP City  



Nbr. of Licenses


[ ] Please include executable for the DEC Alpha platform*


[ ] Cash  [ ] Check [ ] MasterCard  [ ] American Express Card 
[ ] VISA  [ ] JCB [ ] MasterCard  
(total amount)

Credit Card Info

Card Number: _________________________________

Cardholder Name _________________________________

Expiration Date _________________________________

* Please note: for single licenses ordered, either Intel or Alpha versions are shipped. If you tick the "Alpha platform request" for a single license, no Intel executable will be mailed.

Please be sure to specify your email address, number of licenses requested and payment information (fields in bold typeface).

Please sign below:

______________ ___________________________________________
Date                            Signature

and forward this form to

Adiscon GmbH
Franz-Marc Strasse 144
50374 Erftstadt

Fax: +49-2235-985032
Fax option for credit card  orders, only.


Please use the evaluation period to check if SimpleMail is suitable for you and your system environment. We encourage you to try SimpleMail in a test environment. We accept no liability for any damage during the evaluation period.

Liability for registered users is limited to twice the amount of the registration fee.

Other Products

To learn more about other Adiscon products, please visit

Year 2000 Compatibility

All versions of SimpleMail 2.x/3.x and above are fully year 2000 compliant. SimpleMail only uses dates to generate the "send" header, which records when the message has been send. The original SMTP RFC requests this header to be written with 2 digit years. Newer implementation allow 4 digit years. As such, SimpleMail writes 4 digit years since version 1.5. Users of SimpleMail 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4 need to upgrade to 1.6 in order to be fully compliant. Otherwise, 2 digit years will be written. These should be correctly interpreted by most systems, but we recommend the upgrade to the most recent version. SimpleMail 1.0  is also fully compliant as it doesn't write a "send" header and as such has no date-related coding.


This documentation as well as the actual SimpleMail product is Copyright © 1996-2005 by Adiscon GmbH, Germany.

Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp., Redmond, WA, USA.